Tuesday, February 7, Day 124

Buccaneer SP, Waveband, MS

Thunder storms are predicted for mid day, including a tornado warning, so we decided to get our bike ride before breakfast. As we returned to the park, a Bald Eagle dove right in front of us to touch the water and fly off down the coast. What a treat!

It did rain torrentially all afternoon with gusty winds. We were able to leave the awning out though because of the tree cover here and the direction of the wind. This was good time to catch up on writing and phone calls, as well as searching for campgrounds down the road; there are some favorites from last year we want to see again. The storms moved on about dinnertime and all was well. The restrooms here are rebuilt to withstand  another Katrina, so we had a safe place to go had a tornado shown up.

The bayou on the east edge of the park
A true brick shit house!

Persistently looking for campgrounds on our path to Penny’s Dad’s birthday party, we were able to reserve Davis Bayou, also in Mississippi, but a National facility where we stayed last year. We got three days in one campsite and two in another. Next was Ft. Pickens, another national facility; this one on a barrier island near Pensacola. FL. Two nights each in two different sites is what came up. That gets us booked until Sunday night, the 26th of Feb. St. George Island SP is our dream spot, but it is booked solid! It is just outside Apalachicola, FL., on a barrier island. I am just going to keep checking; maybe someone will cancel their reservation.

Katrina groundzero

Down here our national parks nightly fee is $11/night water and electric. State parks are about $25 for the same utilities. So, you can see our expenses for campsites have dropped significantly.