St Joseph Peninsula SP, Port St. Joe, FL
The only downside of this park is the cell service is poor; I am typing this on a word processor since there is no internet connection. When we get connectivity, these posts will get uploaded to the blog site and photos will get added. But, it’s not totally bad. Not hearing about the political scene is a big plus.
We got up before dawn to walk north up the boardwalk to the other campground here. There are two branches off of the main boardwalk where benches allow one to sit and soak up the wildlife and unique scenery. We were plenty early and waited in silence for the sun. When I realized the the pond in front of the other viewing platform would reflect it, I ran there.
The birds were really active at dawn. Mockingbirds, red wing blackbirds, mourning doves, cardinals were singing and the bullfrogs were croaking the bass line. A dove and a cardinal shared a dead snag. Walking back to our camp, we saw pelicans flying over the dunes on our right, so we visited the beach where we enjoyed the pelicans, willlets, sandpipers, and gulls.
Next was a bacon and egg breakfast before we broke camp to move to another campsite for two more days in that north loop. This one has deep sites at a 45 degree angle to the lane, so backing in was much easier. We are tucked into the trees and bushes; our picnic table area is very secluded from the lane and any other campsites. We rode our bikes to the new site, then walked back to move the camper. On the short ride between the two sites, we saw egrets and a heron feeding in a backwater pond.
The afternoon was dedicated to laundry and trailer maintenance, but we didn’t want to miss the sunset festivities. Lots of campers carry their chairs and drinks down to the beach to watch the sun go down. Tonight’s clear sky made for a “routine” sunset, but it seemed a fitting bookend to our day.
We find ourselves shaking our heads when we recognize how gifted we are to share this adventure. We love our tiny house on wheels. We eat like royalty. It is a wonderful life, for which we are very grateful! We believe the gift giver must appreciate our gratitude.
Pork boudin and potatoes on the grill and a beer closed out the day, another wonderful day on the road, which we hope goes on forever and the party never ends. God willing!