January 2, Monday, Day 88

Coastal Dunes RV

Its literally a day that you don’t know if you are coming or going. Check out time is 11AM; we could probably stretch that a bit. There is no one moving into this site today. Until we hear from Rey, we won’t know what we are doing. Penny thought she’d straighten up the inside of the trailer and tie things down for travel so that if we got the truck back soon enough she could help me break down the outdoor stuff.

We would have to have the truck back by noonish in order to avoid another day’s rent here. We talked to Rey; he said 2-3PM, so our decision was made. We paid for another night, I worked on pictures for the blog. She did a color study for the landscape in the foreground of the mural before bundling up for an afternoon painting outdoors.

This end of the campground was virtually empty by noon. There are the two camp hosts, us, and maybe one other tourist. Nice! Rey called around 2PM; I rode my bike to get the truck about 3PM. It was expensive, but I must be thankful that pump didn’t fail while we were descending a steep curvy hill at 60MPH. That would be a BIG bummer.


Penny is making big progress on her mural!

Both of us diligently pursued our crafts until close to 5PM. A small happy hour with cheese and crackers and a beer ensued followed by calls to check on Penny’s mom. Shirley has not been feeling well this week; but she sounded good and thought she was out of the woods.

Tonight I walked to the quick stop to pickup a couple items while Penny started dinner. On my return I hooked up the BBQ and we made a feast of shrimp and veggie kabobs. YUM!